Low-Jump Completion
Beginner Tutorial - #16601 x61 SS 1:22.916 2.8 years ago
Combat Tutorial - #5876 x63 SS 1:37.797 2.8 years ago
Advanced Tutorial - #6171 x41 SS 1:03.918 2.8 years ago
Total Hub Time: 4:04.631 (+50.096) Points: 1500Forest:
Downhill - #5056 (37-way tie) x7 SS 18.116 2.8 years ago
Shaded Grove - #11764 (2-way tie) x29 SS 37.999 2.8 years ago
Dahlia - #28731 x33 SS 40.733 2.8 years ago
Fields - #47939 x33 SS 45.117 2.8 years ago
Valley - #19389 x30 SA 1:09.251 2.8 years ago
Firefly Forest - N/A
Tunnels - #15278 x53 SS 1:02.251 2.8 years ago
Dusk Run - #33593 x84 SC 1:49.945 2.8 years ago
Overgrown Temple - #22880 x50 SB 1:01.685 2.8 years ago
Ascent - #21622 x100 SA 1:31.981 2.8 years ago
Summit - #15481 (2-way tie) x41 SS 55.017 2.8 years ago
Grass Cave - #18832 x30 SA 52.267 2.8 years ago
Wild Den - #15243 (2-way tie) x16 SC 30.199 2.8 years ago
Ruins - N/A
Ancient Garden - #10150 x44 SC 1:01.835 2.8 years ago
Night Temple - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Mansion:
Atrium - #15064 (2-way tie) x19 SS 29.616 2.8 years ago
Secret Passage - #13315 (2-way tie) x54 SS 59.284 2.8 years ago
Alcoves - #17292 (2-way tie) x45 SS 54.951 2.8 years ago
Mezzanine - #15369 x66 SS 1:15.233 2.8 years ago
Caverns - #16965 x75 SD 1:52.578 2.8 years ago
Cliffside Caves - #30092 x99 SS 2:04.709 2.8 years ago
Library - #18232 x123 SS 2:38.717 2.8 years ago
Courtyard - #31984 x203 SB 3:16.128 2.8 years ago
Archive - #14092 x103 SD 3:32.567 2.8 years ago
Knight Hall - #12688 x37 SB 1:37.880 2.8 years ago
Store Room - #15627 (2-way tie) x10 SC 26.116 2.8 years ago
Ramparts - #12030 x116 SS 2:27.313 2.8 years ago
Moon Temple - N/A
Observatory - N/A
Ghost Parapets - N/A
Tower - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000City:
Vacant Lot - #18651 x28 SS 24.249 2.8 years ago
Landfill - #13298 x32 SS 1:05.135 2.8 years ago
Development - #10618 x23 SS 27.083 2.8 years ago
Abandoned Carpark - #6765 x23 SS 46.717 2.8 years ago
Park - #18010 x45 SS 59.468 2.8 years ago
Construction Site - #25814 x34 AS 43.883 2.8 years ago
Apartments - #13162 (3-way tie) x30 SS 46.500 2.8 years ago
Warehouse - #12997 x62 SB 1:18.416 2.8 years ago
Forgotten Tunnel - #12844 x132 SD 4:07.844 2.8 years ago
Basement - #11032 x217 SD 7:50.252 2.8 years ago
Scaffolding - N/A
Rooftops - N/A
Clocktower - N/A
Concrete Temple - N/A
Alleyway - N/A
Hideout - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Laboratory:
Control - #12281 x32 SS 47.300 2.8 years ago
Ferrofluid - #14984 x36 SS 39.183 2.8 years ago
Titan - #7909 x22 SS 30.849 2.8 years ago
Satellite Debris - #5935 (2-way tie) x20 SS 33.532 2.8 years ago
Vats - #6243 x31 SS 1:12.784 2.8 years ago
Server Room - #19893 x30 SS 41.616 2.8 years ago
Security - #17645 x73 SA 1:35.880 2.8 years ago
Research - #14377 x52 SB 1:30.498 2.8 years ago
Wiring - #6822 x97 SD 1:47.662 2.8 years ago
Containment - #674 x13 SA 32.749 2.8 years ago
Power Room - #13420 x59 SB 1:14.017 2.8 years ago
Access - #23290 x31 CS 50.367 2.8 years ago
Backup Shift - N/A
Core Temple - N/A
Abyss - #6637 x41 CD 1:27.048 2.8 years ago
Dome - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Difficult:
Kilo Difficult - N/A
Mega Difficult - N/A
Giga Difficult - N/A
Tera Difficult - N/A
Peta Difficult - N/A
Exa Difficult - N/A
Zetta Difficult - N/A
Yotta Difficult - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 4000Total All Levels Time: Missing level data! Points: 37500Other Levels:
Tutorial - N/A
infinidifficult - N/A
The Forest - N/A
The-Mansion-5517 - N/A
The City - N/A
The-Lab-4563 - N/A
The Difficults - N/A
The Scrubforce DX - N/A
The-Dustforce-DX-5583 - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 4500Best ILs (by rank):
Containment - #674 x13 SA 32.749 2.8 years ago
Downhill - #5056 (37-way tie) x7 SS 18.116 2.8 years ago
Combat Tutorial - #5876 x63 SS 1:37.797 2.8 years ago
Satellite Debris - #5935 (2-way tie) x20 SS 33.532 2.8 years ago
Advanced Tutorial - #6171 x41 SS 1:03.918 2.8 years ago
Worst ILs (by rank):
Fields - #47939 x33 SS 45.117 2.8 years ago
Dusk Run - #33593 x84 SC 1:49.945 2.8 years ago
Courtyard - #31984 x203 SB 3:16.128 2.8 years ago
Cliffside Caves - #30092 x99 SS 2:04.709 2.8 years ago
Dahlia - #28731 x33 SS 40.733 2.8 years ago
Best ILs (by time):
Worst ILs (by time):
Newest ILs:
Ancient Garden - #10150 x44 SC 1:01.835 2.8 years ago
Atrium - #15064 (2-way tie) x19 SS 29.616 2.8 years ago
Downhill - #5056 (37-way tie) x7 SS 18.116 2.8 years ago
Basement - #11032 x217 SD 7:50.252 2.8 years ago
Forgotten Tunnel - #12844 x132 SD 4:07.844 2.8 years ago
Oldest ILs:
Fields - #47939 x33 SS 45.117 2.8 years ago
Tunnels - #15278 x53 SS 1:02.251 2.8 years ago
Dahlia - #28731 x33 SS 40.733 2.8 years ago
Mezzanine - #15369 x66 SS 1:15.233 2.8 years ago
Caverns - #16965 x75 SD 1:52.578 2.8 years ago
Low-Jump Times
Beginner Tutorial - #22436 x61 SS 1:22.916 2.8 years ago
Combat Tutorial - #9048 x63 SS 1:37.797 2.8 years ago
Advanced Tutorial - #6708 x41 SS 1:03.918 2.8 years ago
Total Hub Time: 4:04.631 Points: 1500Forest:
Downhill - #5430 (35-way tie) x7 SS 18.116 2.8 years ago
Shaded Grove - #17576 (2-way tie) x29 SS 37.999 2.8 years ago
Dahlia - #43770 x33 SS 40.733 2.8 years ago
Fields - #48636 x28 CS 33.682 2.8 years ago
Valley - #28540 x30 SA 1:09.251 2.8 years ago
Firefly Forest - N/A
Tunnels - #20018 x53 SS 1:02.251 2.8 years ago
Dusk Run - #55492 x84 SC 1:49.945 2.8 years ago
Overgrown Temple - #12072 x27 DC 43.817 2.8 years ago
Ascent - #29644 x100 SA 1:31.981 2.8 years ago
Summit - #19673 x39 AC 1:03.051 2.8 years ago
Grass Cave - #25135 x30 SA 52.267 2.8 years ago
Wild Den - #16519 x16 SC 30.199 2.8 years ago
Ruins - N/A
Ancient Garden - #11000 x44 SC 1:01.835 2.8 years ago
Night Temple - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Mansion:
Atrium - #19756 (2-way tie) x19 SS 29.616 2.8 years ago
Secret Passage - #15570 (2-way tie) x54 SS 59.284 2.8 years ago
Alcoves - #25982 (2-way tie) x45 SS 54.951 2.8 years ago
Mezzanine - #20040 x66 SS 1:15.233 2.8 years ago
Caverns - #1425 x22 DS 39.199 2.8 years ago
Cliffside Caves - #50196 x99 SS 2:04.709 2.8 years ago
Library - #40644 x116 DD 1:37.413 2.8 years ago
Courtyard - #75552 x99 AA 2:14.076 2.8 years ago
Archive - #20961 x68 AD 2:06.692 2.8 years ago
Knight Hall - #16791 x37 SB 1:37.880 2.8 years ago
Store Room - #18859 (2-way tie) x10 SC 26.116 2.8 years ago
Ramparts - #16238 x116 SS 2:27.313 2.8 years ago
Moon Temple - N/A
Observatory - N/A
Ghost Parapets - N/A
Tower - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000City:
Vacant Lot - #22420 x28 SS 24.249 2.8 years ago
Landfill - #18486 x32 SS 1:05.135 2.8 years ago
Development - #15451 x23 SS 27.083 2.8 years ago
Abandoned Carpark - #7935 x23 SS 46.717 2.8 years ago
Park - #25972 x45 SS 59.468 2.8 years ago
Construction Site - #5386 (5-way tie) DS 5.733 2.8 years ago
Apartments - #17726 x30 SS 46.500 2.8 years ago
Warehouse - #1975 x31 DC 38.549 2.8 years ago
Forgotten Tunnel - #20390 x132 SD 4:07.844 2.8 years ago
Basement - #17812 x217 SD 7:50.252 2.8 years ago
Scaffolding - N/A
Rooftops - N/A
Clocktower - N/A
Concrete Temple - N/A
Alleyway - N/A
Hideout - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Laboratory:
Control - #19738 x32 SS 47.300 2.8 years ago
Ferrofluid - #18946 x36 SS 39.183 2.8 years ago
Titan - #10257 x22 SS 30.849 2.8 years ago
Satellite Debris - #6589 (2-way tie) x20 SS 33.532 2.8 years ago
Vats - #13230 x31 SS 1:12.784 2.8 years ago
Server Room - #11413 x14 DS 27.633 2.8 years ago
Security - #27745 x73 SA 1:35.880 2.8 years ago
Research - #19619 x52 SB 1:30.498 2.8 years ago
Wiring - #8035 x97 SD 1:47.662 2.8 years ago
Containment - #1763 x13 SA 32.749 2.8 years ago
Power Room - #16890 x59 SB 1:14.017 2.8 years ago
Access - #6488 x31 CS 50.367 2.8 years ago
Backup Shift - N/A
Core Temple - N/A
Abyss - #697 DS 21.083 2.8 years ago
Dome - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Difficult:
Kilo Difficult - N/A
Mega Difficult - N/A
Giga Difficult - N/A
Tera Difficult - N/A
Peta Difficult - N/A
Exa Difficult - N/A
Zetta Difficult - N/A
Yotta Difficult - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 4000Total All Levels Time: Missing level data! Points: 37500Other Levels:
Tutorial - N/A
infinidifficult - N/A
The Forest - N/A
The-Mansion-5517 - N/A
The City - N/A
The-Lab-4563 - N/A
The Difficults - N/A
The Scrubforce DX - N/A
The-Dustforce-DX-5583 - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 4500Best ILs (by rank):
Abyss - #697 DS 21.083 2.8 years ago
Caverns - #1425 x22 DS 39.199 2.8 years ago
Containment - #1763 x13 SA 32.749 2.8 years ago
Warehouse - #1975 x31 DC 38.549 2.8 years ago
Construction Site - #5386 (5-way tie) DS 5.733 2.8 years ago
Worst ILs (by rank):
Courtyard - #75552 x99 AA 2:14.076 2.8 years ago
Dusk Run - #55492 x84 SC 1:49.945 2.8 years ago
Cliffside Caves - #50196 x99 SS 2:04.709 2.8 years ago
Fields - #48636 x28 CS 33.682 2.8 years ago
Dahlia - #43770 x33 SS 40.733 2.8 years ago
Best ILs (by time):
Worst ILs (by time):
Newest ILs:
Abyss - #697 DS 21.083 2.8 years ago
Ancient Garden - #11000 x44 SC 1:01.835 2.8 years ago
Atrium - #19756 (2-way tie) x19 SS 29.616 2.8 years ago
Downhill - #5430 (35-way tie) x7 SS 18.116 2.8 years ago
Basement - #17812 x217 SD 7:50.252 2.8 years ago
Oldest ILs:
Fields - #48636 x28 CS 33.682 2.8 years ago
Caverns - #1425 x22 DS 39.199 2.8 years ago
Library - #40644 x116 DD 1:37.413 2.8 years ago
Tunnels - #20018 x53 SS 1:02.251 2.8 years ago
Dahlia - #43770 x33 SS 40.733 2.8 years ago