Low-Direction Completion
Beginner Tutorial - #3546 x68 SS 1:24.582 5.5 years ago
Combat Tutorial - #720 x85 SS 1:51.911 5.5 years ago
Advanced Tutorial - #1666 x39 SA 1:05.185 5.5 years ago
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 1500Forest:
Downhill - #4959 (4-way tie) x12 SS 17.533 5.4 years ago
Shaded Grove - #26373 (2-way tie) x57 AS 32.482 5.4 years ago
Dahlia - #4912 x42 SS 36.983 5.5 years ago
Fields - #225 x15 SS 30.016 5.4 years ago
Valley - #5452 x59 SS 1:15.783 5.5 years ago
Firefly Forest - #9517 x133 SS 2:05.576 5.5 years ago
Tunnels - #1432 x41 SS 48.617 5.4 years ago
Dusk Run - #8655 x71 SS 1:16.733 5.5 years ago
Overgrown Temple - #6358 x86 SS 1:27.665 5.5 years ago
Ascent - #5248 x118 SS 1:23.065 5.5 years ago
Summit - #1649 x55 SS 52.434 5.5 years ago
Grass Cave - #1589 x48 SS 46.917 5.4 years ago
Wild Den - #6911 x61 SS 52.184 5.5 years ago
Ruins - #2867 x142 SA 1:56.727 5.4 years ago
Ancient Garden - #3029 x63 SS 44.133 5.4 years ago
Night Temple - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 7724Mansion:
Atrium - #8929 (2-way tie) x39 SS 26.666 5.5 years ago
Secret Passage - #5408 x80 SS 1:05.035 5.5 years ago
Alcoves - #4943 x67 SS 56.701 5.5 years ago
Mezzanine - #2892 x75 SS 1:04.618 5.5 years ago
Caverns - #2217 x102 SS 1:54.927 5.5 years ago
Cliffside Caves - #6169 x140 SS 2:18.610 5.5 years ago
Library - #5049 x205 SS 2:41.117 5.5 years ago
Courtyard - #4254 x122 SS 1:55.777 5.5 years ago
Archive - #4175 x74 SS 1:22.732 5.5 years ago
Knight Hall - #1784 x68 SS 1:27.415 5.5 years ago
Store Room - #3294 x37 SS 37.366 5.5 years ago
Ramparts - #1022 x140 SS 2:18.794 5.4 years ago
Moon Temple - #601 x82 SS 1:27.765 5.4 years ago
Observatory - N/A
Ghost Parapets - #1207 x116 SS 1:46.862 5.4 years ago
Tower - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000City:
Vacant Lot - #7761 x41 SS 36.933 5.5 years ago
Landfill - #4631 x59 SS 1:23.749 5.5 years ago
Development - #5977 x59 SS 42.466 5.5 years ago
Abandoned Carpark - #4228 x48 SS 43.033 5.5 years ago
Park - #3943 x68 SS 1:03.868 5.5 years ago
Construction Site - #2295 x59 SS 47.167 5.5 years ago
Apartments - #4450 (2-way tie) x50 SS 52.251 5.5 years ago
Warehouse - #3855 x111 SS 1:37.263 5.5 years ago
Forgotten Tunnel - #3456 x179 SA 2:18.860 5.5 years ago
Basement - #1561 x92 SS 1:10.651 5.5 years ago
Scaffolding - #2448 x82 SS 1:13.500 5.5 years ago
Rooftops - #1955 x78 SS 52.034 5.5 years ago
Clocktower - N/A
Concrete Temple - N/A
Alleyway - #2145 x60 SC 1:03.685 5.4 years ago
Hideout - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Laboratory:
Control - #2425 x45 SS 48.800 5.5 years ago
Ferrofluid - #3321 x45 SS 32.999 5.5 years ago
Titan - #5054 x54 SS 45.650 5.5 years ago
Satellite Debris - #4538 x33 SS 44.783 5.5 years ago
Vats - #3041 x94 SS 1:20.316 5.5 years ago
Server Room - #2994 x48 SS 45.767 5.5 years ago
Security - #4769 x140 SS 1:47.695 5.5 years ago
Research - #4461 x119 SS 1:47.662 5.5 years ago
Wiring - #3462 x119 SS 1:16.700 5.5 years ago
Containment - #4372 x84 AB 1:06.301 5.5 years ago
Power Room - #2432 x65 SS 54.367 5.5 years ago
Access - #3751 x83 SS 1:06.218 5.5 years ago
Backup Shift - N/A
Core Temple - N/A
Abyss - N/A
Dome - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Difficult:
Kilo Difficult - N/A
Mega Difficult - N/A
Giga Difficult - N/A
Tera Difficult - N/A
Peta Difficult - N/A
Exa Difficult - N/A
Zetta Difficult - N/A
Yotta Difficult - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 4000Total All Levels Time: Missing level data! Points: 37224Other Levels:
Tutorial - N/A
infinidifficult - N/A
The Forest - N/A
The-Mansion-5517 - N/A
The City - N/A
The-Lab-4563 - N/A
The Difficults - N/A
The Scrubforce DX - N/A
The-Dustforce-DX-5583 - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 4500Best ILs (by rank):
Fields - #225 x15 SS 30.016 5.4 years ago
Moon Temple - #601 x82 SS 1:27.765 5.4 years ago
Combat Tutorial - #720 x85 SS 1:51.911 5.5 years ago
Ramparts - #1022 x140 SS 2:18.794 5.4 years ago
Ghost Parapets - #1207 x116 SS 1:46.862 5.4 years ago
Worst ILs (by rank):
Shaded Grove - #26373 (2-way tie) x57 AS 32.482 5.4 years ago
Firefly Forest - #9517 x133 SS 2:05.576 5.5 years ago
Atrium - #8929 (2-way tie) x39 SS 26.666 5.5 years ago
Dusk Run - #8655 x71 SS 1:16.733 5.5 years ago
Vacant Lot - #7761 x41 SS 36.933 5.5 years ago
Best ILs (by time):
Worst ILs (by time):
Newest ILs:
Grass Cave - #1589 x48 SS 46.917 5.4 years ago
Downhill - #4959 (4-way tie) x12 SS 17.533 5.4 years ago
Tunnels - #1432 x41 SS 48.617 5.4 years ago
Fields - #225 x15 SS 30.016 5.4 years ago
Ghost Parapets - #1207 x116 SS 1:46.862 5.4 years ago
Oldest ILs:
Beginner Tutorial - #3546 x68 SS 1:24.582 5.5 years ago
Combat Tutorial - #720 x85 SS 1:51.911 5.5 years ago
Dahlia - #4912 x42 SS 36.983 5.5 years ago
Valley - #5452 x59 SS 1:15.783 5.5 years ago
Dusk Run - #8655 x71 SS 1:16.733 5.5 years ago
Beginner Tutorial - #7728 x68 SS 1:24.582 5.5 years ago
Combat Tutorial - #2843 x85 SS 1:51.911 5.5 years ago
Advanced Tutorial - #1913 x39 SA 1:05.185 5.5 years ago
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 1500Forest:
Downhill - #5536 (4-way tie) x12 SS 17.533 5.4 years ago
Shaded Grove - #13434 (2-way tie) x57 AS 32.482 5.4 years ago
Dahlia - #8553 x42 SS 36.983 5.5 years ago
Fields - #616 x14 BS 29.882 5.4 years ago
Valley - #8622 x59 SS 1:15.783 5.5 years ago
Firefly Forest - #14599 x133 SS 2:05.576 5.5 years ago
Tunnels - #2389 x41 SS 48.617 5.4 years ago
Dusk Run - #11229 x71 SS 1:16.733 5.5 years ago
Overgrown Temple - #8226 x86 SS 1:27.665 5.5 years ago
Ascent - #6292 x118 SS 1:23.065 5.5 years ago
Summit - #2325 x55 SS 52.434 5.5 years ago
Grass Cave - #2351 x48 SS 46.917 5.4 years ago
Wild Den - #7918 x61 SS 52.184 5.5 years ago
Ruins - #3170 x142 SA 1:56.727 5.4 years ago
Ancient Garden - #3176 x61 AA 49.417 5.4 years ago
Night Temple - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Mansion:
Atrium - #6715 x29 CS 21.766 5.5 years ago
Secret Passage - #6629 x80 SS 1:05.035 5.5 years ago
Alcoves - #6686 x67 SS 56.701 5.5 years ago
Mezzanine - #4044 x75 SS 1:04.618 5.5 years ago
Caverns - #3887 x102 SS 1:54.927 5.5 years ago
Cliffside Caves - #8383 x140 SS 2:18.610 5.5 years ago
Library - #9704 x205 SS 2:41.117 5.5 years ago
Courtyard - #8389 x122 SS 1:55.777 5.5 years ago
Archive - #1888 x37 AS 48.900 5.5 years ago
Knight Hall - #2446 x68 SS 1:27.415 5.5 years ago
Store Room - #4350 x37 SS 37.366 5.5 years ago
Ramparts - #1403 x140 SS 2:18.794 5.4 years ago
Moon Temple - #778 x82 SS 1:27.765 5.4 years ago
Observatory - N/A
Ghost Parapets - #1384 x116 SS 1:46.862 5.4 years ago
Tower - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000City:
Vacant Lot - #9515 x41 SS 36.933 5.5 years ago
Landfill - #6486 x59 SS 1:23.749 5.5 years ago
Development - #8667 x59 SS 42.466 5.5 years ago
Abandoned Carpark - #5749 x48 SS 43.033 5.5 years ago
Park - #5279 x68 SS 1:03.868 5.5 years ago
Construction Site - #5493 x47 BS 37.916 5.5 years ago
Apartments - #5639 (2-way tie) x50 SS 52.251 5.5 years ago
Warehouse - #6720 x111 SS 1:37.263 5.5 years ago
Forgotten Tunnel - #4247 x179 SA 2:18.860 5.5 years ago
Basement - #1855 x92 SS 1:10.651 5.5 years ago
Scaffolding - #2707 x82 SS 1:13.500 5.5 years ago
Rooftops - #2076 x78 SS 52.034 5.5 years ago
Clocktower - N/A
Concrete Temple - N/A
Alleyway - #2929 x60 SC 1:03.685 5.4 years ago
Hideout - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Laboratory:
Control - #3029 x41 BS 44.250 5.5 years ago
Ferrofluid - #4245 x45 SS 32.999 5.5 years ago
Titan - #6819 x54 SS 45.650 5.5 years ago
Satellite Debris - #5296 x33 SS 44.783 5.5 years ago
Vats - #5444 x94 SS 1:20.316 5.5 years ago
Server Room - #4658 x48 SS 45.767 5.5 years ago
Security - #6452 x140 SS 1:47.695 5.5 years ago
Research - #5739 x119 SS 1:47.662 5.5 years ago
Wiring - #3855 x119 SS 1:16.700 5.5 years ago
Containment - #3665 x84 AB 1:06.301 5.5 years ago
Power Room - #2719 x62 AA 54.901 5.5 years ago
Access - #4410 x83 SS 1:06.218 5.5 years ago
Backup Shift - N/A
Core Temple - N/A
Abyss - N/A
Dome - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Difficult:
Kilo Difficult - N/A
Mega Difficult - N/A
Giga Difficult - N/A
Tera Difficult - N/A
Peta Difficult - N/A
Exa Difficult - N/A
Zetta Difficult - N/A
Yotta Difficult - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 4000Total All Levels Time: Missing level data! Points: 37500Other Levels:
Tutorial - N/A
infinidifficult - N/A
The Forest - N/A
The-Mansion-5517 - N/A
The City - N/A
The-Lab-4563 - N/A
The Difficults - N/A
The Scrubforce DX - N/A
The-Dustforce-DX-5583 - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 4500Best ILs (by rank):
Fields - #616 x14 BS 29.882 5.4 years ago
Moon Temple - #778 x82 SS 1:27.765 5.4 years ago
Ghost Parapets - #1384 x116 SS 1:46.862 5.4 years ago
Ramparts - #1403 x140 SS 2:18.794 5.4 years ago
Basement - #1855 x92 SS 1:10.651 5.5 years ago
Worst ILs (by rank):
Firefly Forest - #14599 x133 SS 2:05.576 5.5 years ago
Shaded Grove - #13434 (2-way tie) x57 AS 32.482 5.4 years ago
Dusk Run - #11229 x71 SS 1:16.733 5.5 years ago
Library - #9704 x205 SS 2:41.117 5.5 years ago
Vacant Lot - #9515 x41 SS 36.933 5.5 years ago
Best ILs (by time):
Worst ILs (by time):
Newest ILs:
Grass Cave - #2351 x48 SS 46.917 5.4 years ago
Downhill - #5536 (4-way tie) x12 SS 17.533 5.4 years ago
Tunnels - #2389 x41 SS 48.617 5.4 years ago
Fields - #616 x14 BS 29.882 5.4 years ago
Ghost Parapets - #1384 x116 SS 1:46.862 5.4 years ago
Oldest ILs:
Beginner Tutorial - #7728 x68 SS 1:24.582 5.5 years ago
Combat Tutorial - #2843 x85 SS 1:51.911 5.5 years ago
Dahlia - #8553 x42 SS 36.983 5.5 years ago
Valley - #8622 x59 SS 1:15.783 5.5 years ago
Dusk Run - #11229 x71 SS 1:16.733 5.5 years ago