Low-Dash Completion
Beginner Tutorial - #96606 x76 SS 1:22.849 8.4 years ago
Combat Tutorial - #29711 x59 SS 1:21.966 8.4 years ago
Advanced Tutorial - #47413 x77 SS 1:14.200 8.4 years ago
Total Hub Time: 3:59.015 (+1:17.630) Points: 1500Forest:
Downhill - #79934 x40 SS 32.782 8.4 years ago
Shaded Grove - #38277 x46 SS 54.634 8.4 years ago
Dahlia - #27282 x19 SS 41.366 8.4 years ago
Fields - #38656 x80 SS 45.283 8.4 years ago
Valley - #33397 x63 SS 1:05.668 8.4 years ago
Firefly Forest - N/A
Tunnels - #17862 x70 SS 1:02.401 8.4 years ago
Dusk Run - #28651 x62 SA 1:07.368 8.4 years ago
Overgrown Temple - #21956 x35 SS 52.467 8.4 years ago
Ascent - N/A
Summit - #14706 x35 SS 50.884 8.4 years ago
Grass Cave - #21321 x61 SS 51.450 8.4 years ago
Wild Den - #13696 x19 SB 47.717 8.4 years ago
Ruins - N/A
Ancient Garden - N/A
Night Temple - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Mansion:
Atrium - #25274 (2-way tie) x19 SS 16.950 8.4 years ago
Secret Passage - #13382 x25 SS 50.100 8.4 years ago
Alcoves - #15930 x38 SS 47.083 8.4 years ago
Mezzanine - #30428 x32 CA 1:06.968 8.4 years ago
Caverns - N/A
Cliffside Caves - #24199 x138 SS 2:01.909 8.4 years ago
Library - #15301 x83 SB 2:16.143 8.4 years ago
Courtyard - #24627 x112 SS 1:31.864 8.4 years ago
Archive - N/A
Knight Hall - #13046 x84 SS 1:22.499 8.4 years ago
Store Room - #16400 x9 SA 27.283 8.4 years ago
Ramparts - #12093 x104 SC 2:39.584 8.4 years ago
Moon Temple - N/A
Observatory - N/A
Ghost Parapets - N/A
Tower - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000City:
Vacant Lot - N/A
Landfill - N/A
Development - N/A
Abandoned Carpark - N/A
Park - #24240 x85 SS 59.701 8.4 years ago
Construction Site - #12065 x9 SS 37.366 8.4 years ago
Apartments - #22005 x41 SS 50.250 8.4 years ago
Warehouse - #15774 x67 SB 1:10.601 8.4 years ago
Forgotten Tunnel - N/A
Basement - N/A
Scaffolding - N/A
Rooftops - N/A
Clocktower - N/A
Concrete Temple - N/A
Alleyway - N/A
Hideout - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Laboratory:
Control - N/A
Ferrofluid - #12697 x51 SA 34.782 8.4 years ago
Titan - #11325 x38 SS 31.632 8.4 years ago
Satellite Debris - #11461 (2-way tie) x64 SS 34.916 8.4 years ago
Vats - #16375 x88 SS 1:28.131 8.4 years ago
Server Room - #18122 x18 SS 43.650 8.4 years ago
Security - N/A
Research - #15920 x84 SS 1:17.100 8.4 years ago
Wiring - #6180 x64 SA 1:07.818 8.4 years ago
Containment - #18174 x7 AD 41.000 8.4 years ago
Power Room - #9761 x33 SS 45.850 8.4 years ago
Access - #10386 x37 SS 51.034 8.4 years ago
Backup Shift - N/A
Core Temple - N/A
Abyss - N/A
Dome - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Difficult:
Kilo Difficult - N/A
Mega Difficult - N/A
Giga Difficult - N/A
Tera Difficult - N/A
Peta Difficult - N/A
Exa Difficult - N/A
Zetta Difficult - N/A
Yotta Difficult - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 4000Total All Levels Time: Missing level data! Points: 37500Other Levels:
Tutorial - N/A
infinidifficult - N/A
The Forest - N/A
The-Mansion-5517 - N/A
The City - N/A
The-Lab-4563 - N/A
The Difficults - N/A
The Scrubforce DX - N/A
The-Dustforce-DX-5583 - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 4500Best ILs (by rank):
Wiring - #6180 x64 SA 1:07.818 8.4 years ago
Power Room - #9761 x33 SS 45.850 8.4 years ago
Access - #10386 x37 SS 51.034 8.4 years ago
Titan - #11325 x38 SS 31.632 8.4 years ago
Satellite Debris - #11461 (2-way tie) x64 SS 34.916 8.4 years ago
Worst ILs (by rank):
Beginner Tutorial - #96606 x76 SS 1:22.849 8.4 years ago
Downhill - #79934 x40 SS 32.782 8.4 years ago
Advanced Tutorial - #47413 x77 SS 1:14.200 8.4 years ago
Fields - #38656 x80 SS 45.283 8.4 years ago
Shaded Grove - #38277 x46 SS 54.634 8.4 years ago
Best ILs (by time):
Worst ILs (by time):
Newest ILs:
Advanced Tutorial - #47413 x77 SS 1:14.200 8.4 years ago
Summit - #14706 x35 SS 50.884 8.4 years ago
Containment - #18174 x7 AD 41.000 8.4 years ago
Access - #10386 x37 SS 51.034 8.4 years ago
Power Room - #9761 x33 SS 45.850 8.4 years ago
Oldest ILs:
Shaded Grove - #38277 x46 SS 54.634 8.4 years ago
Dahlia - #27282 x19 SS 41.366 8.4 years ago
Fields - #38656 x80 SS 45.283 8.4 years ago
Atrium - #25274 (2-way tie) x19 SS 16.950 8.4 years ago
Alcoves - #15930 x38 SS 47.083 8.4 years ago
Low-Dash Times
Beginner Tutorial - #135391 x76 SS 1:22.849 8.4 years ago
Combat Tutorial - #104301 x59 SS 1:21.966 8.4 years ago
Advanced Tutorial - #64308 x77 SS 1:14.200 8.4 years ago
Total Hub Time: 3:59.015 Points: 1500Forest:
Downhill - #105050 x40 SS 32.782 8.4 years ago
Shaded Grove - #53539 x46 SS 54.634 8.4 years ago
Dahlia - #45670 x19 SS 41.366 8.4 years ago
Fields - #44851 x80 SS 45.283 8.4 years ago
Valley - #80681 x63 SS 1:05.668 8.4 years ago
Firefly Forest - N/A
Tunnels - #25995 x70 SS 1:02.401 8.4 years ago
Dusk Run - #59248 x62 SA 1:07.368 8.4 years ago
Overgrown Temple - #39403 x35 SS 52.467 8.4 years ago
Ascent - N/A
Summit - #27949 x35 SS 50.884 8.4 years ago
Grass Cave - #36325 x61 SS 51.450 8.4 years ago
Wild Den - #15589 x19 SB 47.717 8.4 years ago
Ruins - N/A
Ancient Garden - N/A
Night Temple - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Mansion:
Atrium - #34486 x19 SS 16.950 8.4 years ago
Secret Passage - #18359 x25 SS 50.100 8.4 years ago
Alcoves - #29647 x38 SS 47.083 8.4 years ago
Mezzanine - #26036 x32 CA 1:06.968 8.4 years ago
Caverns - N/A
Cliffside Caves - #45695 x138 SS 2:01.909 8.4 years ago
Library - #50187 x83 SB 2:16.143 8.4 years ago
Courtyard - #74684 x91 CA 1:44.929 8.4 years ago
Archive - N/A
Knight Hall - #20735 x84 SS 1:22.499 8.4 years ago
Store Room - #20661 x9 SA 27.283 8.4 years ago
Ramparts - #23407 x104 SC 2:39.584 8.4 years ago
Moon Temple - N/A
Observatory - N/A
Ghost Parapets - N/A
Tower - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000City:
Vacant Lot - N/A
Landfill - N/A
Development - N/A
Abandoned Carpark - N/A
Park - #48940 x85 SS 59.701 8.4 years ago
Construction Site - #35186 x9 DS 18.783 8.4 years ago
Apartments - #37596 x41 SS 50.250 8.4 years ago
Warehouse - #42875 x67 SB 1:10.601 8.4 years ago
Forgotten Tunnel - N/A
Basement - N/A
Scaffolding - N/A
Rooftops - N/A
Clocktower - N/A
Concrete Temple - N/A
Alleyway - N/A
Hideout - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Laboratory:
Control - N/A
Ferrofluid - #16030 x51 SA 34.782 8.4 years ago
Titan - #15766 x38 SS 31.632 8.4 years ago
Satellite Debris - #13877 (2-way tie) x64 SS 34.916 8.4 years ago
Vats - #39638 x88 SS 1:28.131 8.4 years ago
Server Room - #33680 x18 SS 43.650 8.4 years ago
Security - N/A
Research - #29800 x84 SS 1:17.100 8.4 years ago
Wiring - #8514 x64 SA 1:07.818 8.4 years ago
Containment - #16690 x7 AD 41.000 8.4 years ago
Power Room - #14202 x33 SS 45.850 8.4 years ago
Access - #16704 x37 SS 51.034 8.4 years ago
Backup Shift - N/A
Core Temple - N/A
Abyss - N/A
Dome - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Difficult:
Kilo Difficult - N/A
Mega Difficult - N/A
Giga Difficult - N/A
Tera Difficult - N/A
Peta Difficult - N/A
Exa Difficult - N/A
Zetta Difficult - N/A
Yotta Difficult - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 4000Total All Levels Time: Missing level data! Points: 37500Other Levels:
Tutorial - N/A
infinidifficult - N/A
The Forest - N/A
The-Mansion-5517 - N/A
The City - N/A
The-Lab-4563 - N/A
The Difficults - N/A
The Scrubforce DX - N/A
The-Dustforce-DX-5583 - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 4500Best ILs (by rank):
Wiring - #8514 x64 SA 1:07.818 8.4 years ago
Satellite Debris - #13877 (2-way tie) x64 SS 34.916 8.4 years ago
Power Room - #14202 x33 SS 45.850 8.4 years ago
Wild Den - #15589 x19 SB 47.717 8.4 years ago
Titan - #15766 x38 SS 31.632 8.4 years ago
Worst ILs (by rank):
Beginner Tutorial - #135391 x76 SS 1:22.849 8.4 years ago
Downhill - #105050 x40 SS 32.782 8.4 years ago
Combat Tutorial - #104301 x59 SS 1:21.966 8.4 years ago
Valley - #80681 x63 SS 1:05.668 8.4 years ago
Courtyard - #74684 x91 CA 1:44.929 8.4 years ago
Best ILs (by time):
Worst ILs (by time):
Newest ILs:
Advanced Tutorial - #64308 x77 SS 1:14.200 8.4 years ago
Summit - #27949 x35 SS 50.884 8.4 years ago
Containment - #16690 x7 AD 41.000 8.4 years ago
Access - #16704 x37 SS 51.034 8.4 years ago
Power Room - #14202 x33 SS 45.850 8.4 years ago
Oldest ILs:
Shaded Grove - #53539 x46 SS 54.634 8.4 years ago
Dahlia - #45670 x19 SS 41.366 8.4 years ago
Fields - #44851 x80 SS 45.283 8.4 years ago
Atrium - #34486 x19 SS 16.950 8.4 years ago
Alcoves - #29647 x38 SS 47.083 8.4 years ago