Low-Jump Completion
Beginner Tutorial - #5965 x48 SS 1:09.018 7.1 years ago
Combat Tutorial - #3010 (2-way tie) x54 SS 1:36.030 7.1 years ago
Advanced Tutorial - #5463 x40 SS 1:00.835 7.1 years ago
Total Hub Time: 3:45.883 (+31.348) Points: 1500Forest:
Downhill - #4826 (37-way tie) x7 SS 18.100 8.7 years ago
Shaded Grove - #10754 (3-way tie) x30 SS 32.716 10.2 years ago
Dahlia - N/A
Fields - #5891 (2-way tie) x15 SS 37.916 9.5 years ago
Valley - #8537 x25 SS 51.967 8.7 years ago
Firefly Forest - #2193 x29 SS 1:12.734 8.7 years ago
Tunnels - #3402 x35 SS 49.934 8.7 years ago
Dusk Run - #8352 (5-way tie) x28 SS 55.134 7.1 years ago
Overgrown Temple - #6605 x25 SS 49.350 8.7 years ago
Ascent - N/A
Summit - #2805 x29 SS 44.400 8.7 years ago
Grass Cave - #1446 x15 SA 50.134 9.5 years ago
Wild Den - #2584 x8 SS 28.282 8.6 years ago
Ruins - #3505 x61 SS 1:42.429 7.1 years ago
Ancient Garden - #793 (2-way tie) x19 SS 31.066 7.3 years ago
Night Temple - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Mansion:
Atrium - #5521 (2-way tie) x14 SS 21.483 10.2 years ago
Secret Passage - N/A
Alcoves - #869 x18 SS 36.433 8.7 years ago
Mezzanine - #7079 x51 SS 58.051 7.1 years ago
Caverns - #9084 x54 SS 1:27.115 8.1 years ago
Cliffside Caves - #9917 x66 SS 1:52.594 8.7 years ago
Library - #2077 x66 SS 1:46.878 8.4 years ago
Courtyard - #9507 x58 SS 1:36.280 7.1 years ago
Archive - N/A
Knight Hall - N/A
Store Room - N/A
Ramparts - #2381 x88 SS 2:06.025 8.4 years ago
Moon Temple - N/A
Observatory - #4233 (4-way tie) x34 SS 34.566 8.5 years ago
Ghost Parapets - N/A
Tower - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000City:
Vacant Lot - #11435 (2-way tie) x22 SS 25.399 10.1 years ago
Landfill - #5243 (2-way tie) x18 SS 50.750 8.4 years ago
Development - #2651 (3-way tie) x13 SS 23.849 10.1 years ago
Abandoned Carpark - #846 (2-way tie) x16 SS 32.832 10.1 years ago
Park - #4426 x31 SS 55.934 8.2 years ago
Construction Site - N/A
Apartments - #31282 x67 AD 1:30.114 10.2 years ago
Warehouse - #3217 x42 SS 1:13.667 8.2 years ago
Forgotten Tunnel - #4672 x58 SS 1:38.146 8.2 years ago
Basement - #1174 x29 SS 53.867 8.1 years ago
Scaffolding - N/A
Rooftops - N/A
Clocktower - N/A
Concrete Temple - N/A
Alleyway - N/A
Hideout - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Laboratory:
Control - N/A
Ferrofluid - N/A
Titan - #5605 (2-way tie) x20 SS 36.183 10.1 years ago
Satellite Debris - N/A
Vats - #4640 x29 SS 1:07.185 8.4 years ago
Server Room - #8514 x21 SS 47.433 8.4 years ago
Security - N/A
Research - N/A
Wiring - #1946 x50 SS 59.668 7.1 years ago
Containment - #18046 x57 AS 1:03.218 8.4 years ago
Power Room - N/A
Access - N/A
Backup Shift - N/A
Core Temple - N/A
Abyss - N/A
Dome - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Difficult:
Kilo Difficult - N/A
Mega Difficult - N/A
Giga Difficult - N/A
Tera Difficult - N/A
Peta Difficult - N/A
Exa Difficult - N/A
Zetta Difficult - N/A
Yotta Difficult - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 4000Total All Levels Time: Missing level data! Points: 37500Other Levels:
Tutorial - #82309 x65 AC 2:17.510 10.3 years ago
infinidifficult - N/A
The Forest - N/A
The-Mansion-5517 - N/A
The City - N/A
The-Lab-4563 - N/A
The Difficults - N/A
The Scrubforce DX - N/A
The-Dustforce-DX-5583 - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 4500Best ILs (by rank):
Ancient Garden - #793 (2-way tie) x19 SS 31.066 7.3 years ago
Abandoned Carpark - #846 (2-way tie) x16 SS 32.832 10.1 years ago
Alcoves - #869 x18 SS 36.433 8.7 years ago
Basement - #1174 x29 SS 53.867 8.1 years ago
Grass Cave - #1446 x15 SA 50.134 9.5 years ago
Worst ILs (by rank):
Apartments - #31282 x67 AD 1:30.114 10.2 years ago
Containment - #18046 x57 AS 1:03.218 8.4 years ago
Vacant Lot - #11435 (2-way tie) x22 SS 25.399 10.1 years ago
Shaded Grove - #10754 (3-way tie) x30 SS 32.716 10.2 years ago
Cliffside Caves - #9917 x66 SS 1:52.594 8.7 years ago
Best ILs (by time):
Worst ILs (by time):
Newest ILs:
Mezzanine - #7079 x51 SS 58.051 7.1 years ago
Courtyard - #9507 x58 SS 1:36.280 7.1 years ago
Ruins - #3505 x61 SS 1:42.429 7.1 years ago
Wiring - #1946 x50 SS 59.668 7.1 years ago
Dusk Run - #8352 (5-way tie) x28 SS 55.134 7.1 years ago
Oldest ILs:
Apartments - #31282 x67 AD 1:30.114 10.2 years ago
Shaded Grove - #10754 (3-way tie) x30 SS 32.716 10.2 years ago
Atrium - #5521 (2-way tie) x14 SS 21.483 10.2 years ago
Vacant Lot - #11435 (2-way tie) x22 SS 25.399 10.1 years ago
Abandoned Carpark - #846 (2-way tie) x16 SS 32.832 10.1 years ago
Low-Jump Times
Beginner Tutorial - #7511 x48 SS 1:09.018 7.1 years ago
Combat Tutorial - #4488 (2-way tie) x54 SS 1:36.030 7.1 years ago
Advanced Tutorial - #5947 x40 SS 1:00.835 7.1 years ago
Total Hub Time: 3:45.883 Points: 1500Forest:
Downhill - #5150 (37-way tie) x7 SS 18.100 8.7 years ago
Shaded Grove - #13044 x29 BS 27.949 10.2 years ago
Dahlia - N/A
Fields - #6964 x15 SS 37.916 9.5 years ago
Valley - #13164 x25 SS 51.967 8.7 years ago
Firefly Forest - #3665 x27 AA 1:04.051 10.2 years ago
Tunnels - #3837 x35 SS 49.934 8.7 years ago
Dusk Run - #3817 x25 AS 49.984 10.2 years ago
Overgrown Temple - #8242 x25 SS 49.350 8.7 years ago
Ascent - N/A
Summit - #1829 x27 CS 38.016 8.5 years ago
Grass Cave - #2170 x15 SA 50.134 9.5 years ago
Wild Den - #3206 x8 SS 28.282 8.6 years ago
Ruins - #682 x34 DS 43.983 7.1 years ago
Ancient Garden - #1217 (2-way tie) x19 SS 31.066 7.3 years ago
Night Temple - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Mansion:
Atrium - #8115 (2-way tie) x14 SS 21.483 10.2 years ago
Secret Passage - N/A
Alcoves - #1018 x18 SS 36.433 8.7 years ago
Mezzanine - #8004 x51 SS 58.051 7.1 years ago
Caverns - #14656 x54 SS 1:27.115 8.1 years ago
Cliffside Caves - #12497 x66 SS 1:52.594 8.7 years ago
Library - #4174 x66 SS 1:46.878 8.4 years ago
Courtyard - #14076 x55 CS 1:39.213 10.3 years ago
Archive - N/A
Knight Hall - N/A
Store Room - N/A
Ramparts - #3010 x88 SS 2:06.025 8.4 years ago
Moon Temple - N/A
Observatory - #5596 (2-way tie) x34 SS 34.566 8.5 years ago
Ghost Parapets - N/A
Tower - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000City:
Vacant Lot - #13283 (2-way tie) x22 SS 25.399 10.1 years ago
Landfill - #6572 (2-way tie) x18 SS 50.750 8.4 years ago
Development - #4379 (3-way tie) x13 SS 23.849 10.1 years ago
Abandoned Carpark - #1162 (2-way tie) x16 SS 32.832 10.1 years ago
Park - #5588 x31 SS 55.934 8.2 years ago
Construction Site - N/A
Apartments - #15669 x30 BA 42.950 10.2 years ago
Warehouse - #7385 x42 SS 1:13.667 8.2 years ago
Forgotten Tunnel - #5492 x58 SS 1:38.146 8.2 years ago
Basement - #1617 x29 SS 53.867 8.1 years ago
Scaffolding - N/A
Rooftops - N/A
Clocktower - N/A
Concrete Temple - N/A
Alleyway - N/A
Hideout - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Laboratory:
Control - N/A
Ferrofluid - N/A
Titan - #7164 (2-way tie) x20 SS 36.183 10.1 years ago
Satellite Debris - N/A
Vats - #9404 x29 SS 1:07.185 8.4 years ago
Server Room - #19091 x21 SS 47.433 8.4 years ago
Security - N/A
Research - N/A
Wiring - #2154 x50 SS 59.668 7.1 years ago
Containment - #17807 x57 AS 1:03.218 8.4 years ago
Power Room - N/A
Access - N/A
Backup Shift - N/A
Core Temple - N/A
Abyss - N/A
Dome - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Difficult:
Kilo Difficult - N/A
Mega Difficult - N/A
Giga Difficult - N/A
Tera Difficult - N/A
Peta Difficult - N/A
Exa Difficult - N/A
Zetta Difficult - N/A
Yotta Difficult - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 4000Total All Levels Time: Missing level data! Points: 37500Other Levels:
Tutorial - #44255 x65 AC 2:17.510 10.3 years ago
infinidifficult - N/A
The Forest - N/A
The-Mansion-5517 - N/A
The City - N/A
The-Lab-4563 - N/A
The Difficults - N/A
The Scrubforce DX - N/A
The-Dustforce-DX-5583 - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 4500Best ILs (by rank):
Ruins - #682 x34 DS 43.983 7.1 years ago
Alcoves - #1018 x18 SS 36.433 8.7 years ago
Abandoned Carpark - #1162 (2-way tie) x16 SS 32.832 10.1 years ago
Ancient Garden - #1217 (2-way tie) x19 SS 31.066 7.3 years ago
Basement - #1617 x29 SS 53.867 8.1 years ago
Worst ILs (by rank):
Server Room - #19091 x21 SS 47.433 8.4 years ago
Containment - #17807 x57 AS 1:03.218 8.4 years ago
Apartments - #15669 x30 BA 42.950 10.2 years ago
Caverns - #14656 x54 SS 1:27.115 8.1 years ago
Courtyard - #14076 x55 CS 1:39.213 10.3 years ago
Best ILs (by time):
Worst ILs (by time):
Newest ILs:
Mezzanine - #8004 x51 SS 58.051 7.1 years ago
Ruins - #682 x34 DS 43.983 7.1 years ago
Wiring - #2154 x50 SS 59.668 7.1 years ago
Advanced Tutorial - #5947 x40 SS 1:00.835 7.1 years ago
Combat Tutorial - #4488 (2-way tie) x54 SS 1:36.030 7.1 years ago
Oldest ILs:
Courtyard - #14076 x55 CS 1:39.213 10.3 years ago
Apartments - #15669 x30 BA 42.950 10.2 years ago
Firefly Forest - #3665 x27 AA 1:04.051 10.2 years ago
Dusk Run - #3817 x25 AS 49.984 10.2 years ago
Shaded Grove - #13044 x29 BS 27.949 10.2 years ago