Low-Jump Completion
Beginner Tutorial - #30594 (2-way tie) x74 SC 2:06.092 3.1 years ago
Combat Tutorial - #91213 x77 DB 1:53.961 3.1 years ago
Advanced Tutorial - #11650 x54 SC 1:42.729 3.1 years ago
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 1500Forest:
Downhill - #4274 (22-way tie) x7 SS 17.666 12.6 years ago
Shaded Grove - N/A
Dahlia - N/A
Fields - N/A
Valley - #5989 (2-way tie) x23 SS 1:01.435 12.6 years ago
Firefly Forest - #5884 (3-way tie) x34 SS 1:09.718 12.6 years ago
Tunnels - N/A
Dusk Run - #9198 (5-way tie) x28 SS 57.001 12.6 years ago
Overgrown Temple - N/A
Ascent - #2847 (2-way tie) x55 SS 51.467 12.6 years ago
Summit - #1313 (3-way tie) x27 SS 46.433 12.6 years ago
Grass Cave - #18415 x29 SD 1:12.634 3.1 years ago
Wild Den - #18432 x21 SS 48.134 12.6 years ago
Ruins - #7622 x76 SS 2:04.609 12.6 years ago
Ancient Garden - #8176 x34 SS 44.817 12.6 years ago
Night Temple - #1037 x42 SS 1:18.783 12.6 years ago
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Mansion:
Atrium - N/A
Secret Passage - N/A
Alcoves - N/A
Mezzanine - N/A
Caverns - #9253 x51 SS 1:38.146 12.6 years ago
Cliffside Caves - #2600 x56 SS 2:03.159 12.6 years ago
Library - #2633 x67 SS 1:47.762 12.6 years ago
Courtyard - #3370 x49 SS 1:21.332 12.6 years ago
Archive - #463 x13 SS 37.866 12.6 years ago
Knight Hall - #5339 (2-way tie) x26 SS 1:25.332 12.6 years ago
Store Room - #6466 x6 SS 34.632 12.6 years ago
Ramparts - #1803 x84 SS 2:11.175 12.6 years ago
Moon Temple - #2528 x44 SS 1:15.883 12.6 years ago
Observatory - #2001 x30 SS 30.699 12.6 years ago
Ghost Parapets - #4851 x75 SS 1:43.679 12.6 years ago
Tower - #4822 (2-way tie) x38 SS 1:00.118 12.6 years ago
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 7962City:
Vacant Lot - N/A
Landfill - N/A
Development - N/A
Abandoned Carpark - N/A
Park - #13106 x39 SS 1:03.835 12.6 years ago
Construction Site - #8212 (2-way tie) x24 SS 42.166 12.6 years ago
Apartments - #597 (2-way tie) x19 SS 32.832 12.6 years ago
Warehouse - #9700 x55 SS 1:29.131 12.6 years ago
Forgotten Tunnel - #8900 (2-way tie) x68 SS 1:58.893 12.6 years ago
Basement - #7195 x45 SS 1:09.718 12.6 years ago
Scaffolding - #9013 x53 SB 1:18.733 12.6 years ago
Rooftops - #3608 x36 SS 49.550 12.6 years ago
Clocktower - #2463 (2-way tie) x15 SS 31.766 12.6 years ago
Concrete Temple - #2090 x53 SS 1:24.149 12.6 years ago
Alleyway - #7305 x17 SS 44.917 12.6 years ago
Hideout - #3789 x262 SD 5:11.934 12.6 years ago
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Laboratory:
Control - N/A
Ferrofluid - N/A
Titan - N/A
Satellite Debris - N/A
Vats - #17485 x57 SS 1:50.678 12.6 years ago
Server Room - #6688 (5-way tie) x20 SS 28.799 12.6 years ago
Security - #2598 x42 SS 1:07.968 12.6 years ago
Research - #784 x29 SS 1:16.417 12.6 years ago
Wiring - N/A
Containment - #1678 x17 SS 48.467 12.6 years ago
Power Room - #10000 x38 SS 57.684 12.6 years ago
Access - #7545 (2-way tie) x34 SS 55.484 12.6 years ago
Backup Shift - N/A
Core Temple - N/A
Abyss - #4459 x34 BB 1:17.933 12.6 years ago
Dome - #4969 x96 SD 2:58.156 12.6 years ago
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Difficult:
Kilo Difficult - N/A
Mega Difficult - N/A
Giga Difficult - N/A
Tera Difficult - N/A
Peta Difficult - N/A
Exa Difficult - N/A
Zetta Difficult - N/A
Yotta Difficult - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 4000Total All Levels Time: Missing level data! Points: 37462Other Levels:
Tutorial - #4808 (5-way tie) x46 SS 1:55.744 12.6 years ago
infinidifficult - N/A
The Forest - N/A
The-Mansion-5517 - N/A
The City - N/A
The-Lab-4563 - N/A
The Difficults - N/A
The Scrubforce DX - N/A
The-Dustforce-DX-5583 - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 4500Best ILs (by rank):
Archive - #463 x13 SS 37.866 12.6 years ago
Apartments - #597 (2-way tie) x19 SS 32.832 12.6 years ago
Research - #784 x29 SS 1:16.417 12.6 years ago
Night Temple - #1037 x42 SS 1:18.783 12.6 years ago
Summit - #1313 (3-way tie) x27 SS 46.433 12.6 years ago
Worst ILs (by rank):
Combat Tutorial - #91213 x77 DB 1:53.961 3.1 years ago
Beginner Tutorial - #30594 (2-way tie) x74 SC 2:06.092 3.1 years ago
Wild Den - #18432 x21 SS 48.134 12.6 years ago
Grass Cave - #18415 x29 SD 1:12.634 3.1 years ago
Vats - #17485 x57 SS 1:50.678 12.6 years ago
Best ILs (by time):
Worst ILs (by time):
Newest ILs:
Grass Cave - #18415 x29 SD 1:12.634 3.1 years ago
Advanced Tutorial - #11650 x54 SC 1:42.729 3.1 years ago
Combat Tutorial - #91213 x77 DB 1:53.961 3.1 years ago
Beginner Tutorial - #30594 (2-way tie) x74 SC 2:06.092 3.1 years ago
Dusk Run - #9198 (5-way tie) x28 SS 57.001 12.6 years ago
Oldest ILs:
Valley - #5989 (2-way tie) x23 SS 1:01.435 12.6 years ago
Park - #13106 x39 SS 1:03.835 12.6 years ago
Construction Site - #8212 (2-way tie) x24 SS 42.166 12.6 years ago
Caverns - #9253 x51 SS 1:38.146 12.6 years ago
Cliffside Caves - #2600 x56 SS 2:03.159 12.6 years ago
Low-Jump Times
Beginner Tutorial - #43062 (2-way tie) x74 SC 2:06.092 3.1 years ago
Combat Tutorial - #20775 x77 DB 1:53.961 3.1 years ago
Advanced Tutorial - #13137 x54 SC 1:42.729 3.1 years ago
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 1500Forest:
Downhill - #4641 (20-way tie) x7 SS 17.666 12.6 years ago
Shaded Grove - N/A
Dahlia - N/A
Fields - N/A
Valley - #10248 (2-way tie) x23 SS 1:01.435 12.6 years ago
Firefly Forest - #12879 (2-way tie) x34 SS 1:09.718 12.6 years ago
Tunnels - N/A
Dusk Run - #12057 (4-way tie) x28 SS 57.001 12.6 years ago
Overgrown Temple - N/A
Ascent - #3325 (2-way tie) x55 SS 51.467 12.6 years ago
Summit - #2295 (3-way tie) x27 SS 46.433 12.6 years ago
Grass Cave - #15585 x23 AC 1:07.068 3.1 years ago
Wild Den - #20516 x21 SS 48.134 12.6 years ago
Ruins - #8263 x76 SS 2:04.609 12.6 years ago
Ancient Garden - #8765 x34 SS 44.817 12.6 years ago
Night Temple - #1329 x42 SS 1:18.783 12.6 years ago
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Mansion:
Atrium - N/A
Secret Passage - N/A
Alcoves - N/A
Mezzanine - N/A
Caverns - #16639 x51 SS 1:38.146 12.6 years ago
Cliffside Caves - #3356 x56 SS 2:03.159 12.6 years ago
Library - #5592 x67 SS 1:47.762 12.6 years ago
Courtyard - #7515 x49 SS 1:21.332 12.6 years ago
Archive - #708 x13 SS 37.866 12.6 years ago
Knight Hall - #7735 (2-way tie) x26 SS 1:25.332 12.6 years ago
Store Room - #10449 x6 SS 34.632 12.6 years ago
Ramparts - #2516 x84 SS 2:11.175 12.6 years ago
Moon Temple - #2785 x44 SS 1:15.883 12.6 years ago
Observatory - #3247 x30 SS 30.699 12.6 years ago
Ghost Parapets - #5311 x75 SS 1:43.679 12.6 years ago
Tower - #5578 (2-way tie) x38 SS 1:00.118 12.6 years ago
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000City:
Vacant Lot - N/A
Landfill - N/A
Development - N/A
Abandoned Carpark - N/A
Park - #17493 x39 SS 1:03.835 12.6 years ago
Construction Site - #23842 x16 DS 34.216 12.6 years ago
Apartments - #1297 x19 SS 32.832 12.6 years ago
Warehouse - #21330 x55 SS 1:29.131 12.6 years ago
Forgotten Tunnel - #10545 (2-way tie) x68 SS 1:58.893 12.6 years ago
Basement - #8512 x45 SS 1:09.718 12.6 years ago
Scaffolding - #9781 x53 SB 1:18.733 12.6 years ago
Rooftops - #3856 x36 SS 49.550 12.6 years ago
Clocktower - #2690 (2-way tie) x15 SS 31.766 12.6 years ago
Concrete Temple - #2190 x53 SS 1:24.149 12.6 years ago
Alleyway - #11690 x17 SS 44.917 12.6 years ago
Hideout - #4001 x262 SD 5:11.934 12.6 years ago
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Laboratory:
Control - N/A
Ferrofluid - N/A
Titan - N/A
Satellite Debris - N/A
Vats - #38992 x57 SS 1:50.678 12.6 years ago
Server Room - #20620 (3-way tie) x20 SS 28.799 12.6 years ago
Security - #3651 x42 SS 1:07.968 12.6 years ago
Research - #1323 x29 SS 1:16.417 12.6 years ago
Wiring - N/A
Containment - #4463 x17 SS 48.467 12.6 years ago
Power Room - #11826 x38 SS 57.684 12.6 years ago
Access - #8754 (2-way tie) x34 SS 55.484 12.6 years ago
Backup Shift - N/A
Core Temple - N/A
Abyss - #9289 x34 BB 1:17.933 12.6 years ago
Dome - #5782 x96 SD 2:58.156 12.6 years ago
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Difficult:
Kilo Difficult - N/A
Mega Difficult - N/A
Giga Difficult - N/A
Tera Difficult - N/A
Peta Difficult - N/A
Exa Difficult - N/A
Zetta Difficult - N/A
Yotta Difficult - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 4000Total All Levels Time: Missing level data! Points: 37500Other Levels:
Tutorial - #6170 (5-way tie) x46 SS 1:55.744 12.6 years ago
infinidifficult - N/A
The Forest - N/A
The-Mansion-5517 - N/A
The City - N/A
The-Lab-4563 - N/A
The Difficults - N/A
The Scrubforce DX - N/A
The-Dustforce-DX-5583 - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 4500Best ILs (by rank):
Archive - #708 x13 SS 37.866 12.6 years ago
Apartments - #1297 x19 SS 32.832 12.6 years ago
Research - #1323 x29 SS 1:16.417 12.6 years ago
Night Temple - #1329 x42 SS 1:18.783 12.6 years ago
Concrete Temple - #2190 x53 SS 1:24.149 12.6 years ago
Worst ILs (by rank):
Beginner Tutorial - #43062 (2-way tie) x74 SC 2:06.092 3.1 years ago
Vats - #38992 x57 SS 1:50.678 12.6 years ago
Construction Site - #23842 x16 DS 34.216 12.6 years ago
Warehouse - #21330 x55 SS 1:29.131 12.6 years ago
Combat Tutorial - #20775 x77 DB 1:53.961 3.1 years ago
Best ILs (by time):
Worst ILs (by time):
Newest ILs:
Grass Cave - #15585 x23 AC 1:07.068 3.1 years ago
Advanced Tutorial - #13137 x54 SC 1:42.729 3.1 years ago
Combat Tutorial - #20775 x77 DB 1:53.961 3.1 years ago
Beginner Tutorial - #43062 (2-way tie) x74 SC 2:06.092 3.1 years ago
Dusk Run - #12057 (4-way tie) x28 SS 57.001 12.6 years ago
Oldest ILs:
Valley - #10248 (2-way tie) x23 SS 1:01.435 12.6 years ago
Park - #17493 x39 SS 1:03.835 12.6 years ago
Construction Site - #23842 x16 DS 34.216 12.6 years ago
Caverns - #16639 x51 SS 1:38.146 12.6 years ago
Cliffside Caves - #3356 x56 SS 2:03.159 12.6 years ago