Alcoves stats for Traikan
Total playtime: 5:12.743

Completion Character Counts

Completion Score Counts

Personal Best History

Score PBsTime PBs
  1. #680 SS 28.382 8.1 years ago
  2. #920 SS 29.749 8.6 years ago
  3. #985 SS 30.016 8.7 years ago
  4. #1681 SS 33.432 8.7 years ago
  5. #1700 SS 33.499 8.8 years ago
  6. #2231 SS 35.583 8.8 years ago
  7. #3258 SS 38.366 8.8 years ago
  8. #3590 SS 39.099 8.9 years ago
  9. #7534 SS 44.617 10.1 years ago
  1. #908 SS 28.382 8.1 years ago
  2. #1151 SS 29.749 8.6 years ago
  3. #1218 SS 30.016 8.7 years ago
  4. #1976 SS 33.432 8.7 years ago
  5. #1992 SS 33.499 8.8 years ago
  6. #2660 SS 35.583 8.8 years ago
  7. #4006 SS 38.366 8.8 years ago
  8. #4481 SS 39.099 8.9 years ago
  9. #9671 SS 44.617 10.1 years ago
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