Combat Tutorial's Low-Jump Everyone Leaderboard

Tiles: 2234
Enemies: 47
Apples: 0

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Compare: Top 5 Score, Score WRs, Top 5 Time, Time WRs

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Low-Jump Completion Leaderboard

1. NoLifeJoel, (~)Miles, antihoonS S 98 49.534 3.1 years ago
2. Zaandaa, im nice as fuck, moistgoulashS A 125 47.517 5.7 years ago
3. Gameduck, Guest, eboomsD B 74 27.699 2.9 years ago
4. Freshmaniac, faith in persona, gucci clown shoesD C 105 31.549 6.6 years ago
5. indapop, msg555, HatrianD C 105 44.317 6.7 years ago
6. [not logged in], Skyhawk, eboomsD B 113 51.134 3.6 years ago

Low-Jump Times Leaderboard

1. Gameduck, Guest, eboomsD B 74 27.699 2.9 years ago
2. NoLifeJoel, (~)Miles, antihoonS S 98 49.534 3.1 years ago
3. Freshmaniac, faith in persona, gucci clown shoesD C 105 31.549 6.6 years ago
4. indapop, msg555, HatrianD C 105 44.317 6.7 years ago
5. [not logged in], Skyhawk, eboomsD B 113 51.134 3.6 years ago
6. Zaandaa, im nice as fuck, moistgoulashS A 125 47.517 5.7 years ago
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